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Ort: / Boardübersicht / Probleme und Fragen / calendar.php 2.85

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fingersD schrieb am 29.01.2006 um 10:27 Uhr

i dont know if its been fixed or even if it is needed but i found a bug from a google search?? in calendar.php the $month and $year can be given incorrect syntax in the address line ie


resulting in SQL errors
i made a fix of sorts

// security fix
if( empty( $month ) ){
    $month = $a_current['month'];
        $month = is_numeric($month) ? abs(intval($month)) : $a_current['month'];
        if ($month  > 12){ $month = $a_current['month']; }
if( empty( $year ) ){
        $year = $a_current['year'];
        $year = is_numeric($year) ? abs(intval($year)) : $a_current['year'];
        if ( $year > 31){ $year = $a_current['year']; }
}// security fix

inserted above

$month_name = $a_monthnames[ $month ];

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